Sinead Donovan
Sinead is the Chairperson of Grant Thornton and the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland.
Sinead joined Grant Thornton in 2002 and was admitted to the partnership in 2005, becoming the first female partner.
Sinead has been on the Council of the institute of Chartered Accountants for some 10 years and is an advocate for the accountancy profession. She is passionate about the need to ensure the profession utilises technology and AI smartly and effectively and is also a firm believer in the global qualification of Chartered Accountancy as the world becomes more connected.
Sinead is a strong believer in the importance of Inclusion; Diversity and Equity to ensure a motivated, effective and thriving work place. She is an advocate for mental wellbeing initiatives and a former chairperson of CA SUPPORT which is the body tasked with providing support to all Chartered members and students in Ireland.